A perfect description of what has been happening. Somehow being a caring human is not longer being a good American. Can't tell you how many times I've heard that if the immigrant children die in American custody, it's not "our" fault, it's the fault of their parents for bringing them here. Someone I know even said we shouldn't feed the children, just let them die like they would have in their homelands. What monsters "we've" become!
One of my clients - a man I once admired - said the only job he requires of a president is to lower taxes so he doesn't have to pay for anyone else to live. This man is a respected leader in our community. He's well-educated and successful, and he doesn't give a damn about anything except the amount of taxes he has to pay. Tragic for him and for our country.
I, too, enjoy our conversations, Ann, and am grateful to have you in my Medium family.