Ah, if not for air-conditioning, there would have been no Southern migration. Which may have been a good thing for us in the South but, surely, a bad thing for you guys in the North where overcrowding is already a way of life.
We keep our home AC at 82 degrees during the day and 83 at night. I work in offices that keep the thermostats at 72, even when no one is there. I freeze while I work. I wear long-sleeves and sweaters in the summer. The office where I work evenings and weekends when no one else is around has locked thermostats so I can't even adjust the AC when I'm working alone. I and others who work there have heaters at our desks. So, the AC is going full blast and heaters are running. Insanity!!
As for the perfect face. I was born with one :) Have never used makeup in any form.
I didn't create a child; I adopted one.
And, my pets are always rescues.
I'm not perfect but I do what I can for the planet, and I appreciate you writing this article, Remington.