Jan 11, 2023


Although you listed a few ailments, John, I noticed they are all within the realm of your age and most can be claimed by any of us over 65. Not that I am discounting your issues. I would never do that. In fact, I want to commend you on all you accomplish with some limitations.

My home is not old by general standards, though by Floridian standards, it probably is since it was built in 1984 - yes, that is old in Florida! Still, I know the challenges of home upkeep and I laud anyone who lives in a truly old home. Stay as long as you can. It has your history nested in its walls. One day you will leave but that history will remain.




Written by Dennett

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.

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