And, you PAID for that experience?! Lordy, I was gripping my chair arms as I was reading. As soon as I read about the confinement with 6 other people for several days, my mind went numb. Then, reading about sleeping in a damp sleeping bag, the rest of my body went numb. Your trip sounds terrifying. Good for you for doing it, I guess. Not too sure about that, though!
I once thought I'd like to travel the Pacific in a boat but after one trip I took with my father across the Chesapeake Bay to deliver a boat, I changed my mind. The day was predicted to be clear. But, back then, weather prediction was far from what it is now. Very simplistic, as you wrote. We were in the middle of the Bay when a freak storm came up. For two hours we were tossed about like driftwood, leaving me certain we would die. We didn't, of course, but we were blown way off course. Our trip was much longer than it should have been from storm and rerouting, and all I wanted to do was get home to my DRY bed!
As scary as this was to read, it was a fabulous response to the Storm prompt! Thank you, Anna.