Chestnuts!! I haven't seen those in ages, Anne. Technically, they can grow in my area of Florida, but I've never seen a chestnut tree here. We are in the lowest range of it's growing zone. Maybe, a little further north in Florida, you can find some. Either way, your photo of the chestnuts is superb! I would frame that and hang it on a wall.
It is so difficult to get a photo of deer - believe me, I've tried many times. They can flit away in a flash.
What is that statue (that's what it looks like to me) in the background of the Steam photo?
Zero degrees and no sun!! Lordy, as beautiful as your location is, I couldn't hang around long this time of year!
Good shot of the woodpecker. They can also be a challenge to photograph. I haven't seen a blue woodpecker before, though I know they exist. Perhaps that one is a Great Spotted Woodpecker?
As always, I am thrilled to have you continue with me on this photographic journey!