Christine, each owner owns the interior of their units. That's why I had to pay for my re-piping in May. The walls and anything inside of them belong to the owners, and that includes pipes
All the owners collectively own the outer portions of the buildings and the land. We have a homeowners' association that manages maintenance and repairs for the outside of the buildings and the property, and we all pay monthly dues to fund those expenses.
Our re-roofing fund had enough money to cover the buildings in two circles. Now, the fund is depleted. Our monthly dues are increasing in January and the extra money will replenish that fund until there is enough to re-roof the remaining buildings. So, I will not receive a bill, per se, for my roof. I also had no say in who did the work or when it was done.
Our homeowners' association is managed by a realty company. Although this management company is much better than the last one, the manager for our community isn't very good at communicating with owners. She should have notified us in advance, and planning this during Thanksgiving week when people have family visiting for the holiday is a little crazy. At least, that's not a problem for us since we won't be celebrating Thanksgiving.
I have a Samsung phone and account, too, but my account with the carrier, Verizon, had to be transferred to the new phone so I'd keep my number.