For me, and I can only speak for myself, the 40s sucked. Menopause wasn’t a big issue for me but everything else was. Aging attacked me from every angle. Depression knocked me off my feet.
My 50s were the time of great life changes. I did nothing to improve myself physically but made choices that released my depression and brought me the joy I hadn’t felt in decades.
My 60s are proving to be my time of natural health rejuvenation. I walk 25 miles or more a week, have lost many unnecessary pounds, and while my arthritis and back pain are not gone, they’ve decreased dramatically. I am also rediscovering myself. And, as an added bonus, I don’t give a damn what others think. These are my freedom years.
Hang in there, Erika, it gets better. As much as women fear aging, as much as we try to stall it and erase the accumulated years, as much as society tells us we are old, undesirable hags, it just isn’t true. Aging releases us from the responsibilities and fears that held us back. Aging gives us a fierce attitude of independence and defiance and gives us space to create and transform.