He doesn't use electronic devices, Christine - no cell phone, no devices of any sort. They've always confounded him, but with his current memory issues, he would never figure out how to use one.
Years ago, after a major operation, he was in the hospital for several days and I gave him my Ipod to listen to music. No matter how many times I showed him how to use it, he couldn't get it to work. He just doesn't comprehend electronics.
He does take the newspaper with him to the center, but that only occupies about 20 minutes of his time. I've suggested he takes some magazines, too, but he says it's so cold in the center, he can only keep his hands out of the blanket for a few minutes at a time.
I've offered to get earphones so he can listen to the TVs there, but he refuses. I'm at the point, though, where I will get him earphones and he can use them or not. At least, he'll have the choice.
I understood that he was hungry and annoyed while waiting to have his catheter removed, but he shouldn't have been accosting people in the hallway.