I can’t imagine the possibility of social distancing in Manhattan, Jack, which is why NYC was hit so hard in the first place.
Having breakfast on the back porch this morning, watching the ducks and squirrels, and watching the cats and dog watch the ducks and squirrels, the Captain and I were talking about the unlikelihood of travel at any time in the foreseeable future. Even Mount Dora, just a couple of hours from here, seems out-of-reach. And, Manhattan is fading away.
I was hanging my hopes on a vaccine but so many people say they won’t take it, I question its effectiveness. Do you know there are Trumpists who believe that Bill Gates is providing financial support for a vaccine because he wants to use it to implant mind-control chips? That psycho-”Christians” think the vaccine will be the “Mark of the Beast” mentioned in the Bible? That the vaccine will implant a tracking device so the government knows where we are at all times? It’s all part of the Deep State conspiracy theory. Not to mention, those who are simply anti-vaccine for other stupid reasons that don’t hold water.
Current polls indicate 26% of Americans will refuse the vaccine. That doesn’t sound promising for the rest of us. Now, I’ll lay odds that most of that 26% will not be in Manhattan — maybe, even, none — but, we still have to travel with those nutcases.
Hmm, yeah, I kinda think we’ll be staying close to home for a very long time.