January 21 & 22, 2017 — North Central Florida

1 min readJan 23, 2017

Saturday’s sky was laden with gray clouds, darker and meaner to the north and the west. Storms and rain seemed imminent as my husband and I went to breakfast. Looking more closely from the restaurant’s window, I could see the distant clouds were moving to the northeast and away from us at a rapid pace. Twenty minutes later as we walked to our car, the sky was blue with only wispy, white clouds. The angry clouds were nowhere in sight. Sadly, the crystal sky was brief and our afternoon weather was ominous with blustery winds that sent lawn furniture scurrying about yards and triggered tornado and thunderstorm warnings that lasted for hours and were generated again on Sunday when even scarier storms threatened. The rains came in swift but brief downpours, resulting in accumulation of less than half an inch.

Working through the stormy weekend weather was unsettling at times as I heard the bumps and bangs of unanchored items being lifted and tossed by the wild winds. Unlike most of the South, we emerged mostly unscathed as a cold front came through Sunday night and pushed the storms out to sea.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.