1 min readJun 20, 2018


My granddaughter is a creative soul. She dances, sings, draws, paints, colors, creates slime (I guess that is a creative endeavor!), bakes, and takes photos. She prefers, however, to be creative with someone else — to share the experience. Sometimes I join her to color or paint rocks, but not as often as I now wish I had. With her leaving date so close — too close — I am trying to make up for all the times I said I was too tired or had something else to do. I have done a lot of painting and coloring and photography with her the last few weeks and wish I had many months to do more. But, I don’t.

Through our concentrated time together, I have found a sort of peace, partially because I am doing something with her but there is more to the feeling of tranquility than that. I want to continue in her absence and I want to send her some of the items I create either by mail or by photograph. I want us to continue these bonding activities although we will be far apart. Your challenge, and the possibility of a creative publication, seemed the perfect motivator to keep me from wallowing in my sadness, forcing me to be accountable on the days I prefer to cry in bed or work until I am exhausted enough to sleep.

I believe I was meant to see your original challenge post. Thank you.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.