Now you will be inudated with Communist!! accusations in your comments, Remington. Worth it, though, to tell the truth. I spent much of my adult life supporting other family members in various stages of crisis. Now, I have no retirement fund other than SSA, and I was shocked to learn how little it is and how expensive our "earned" Medicare healthcare is. I'll continue to work at least until 70 to get the "max" SSA, which is equal to poverty-level wages. We worker bees have to work longer and longer to get what we "earned" and the bees younger than you and me have it worse.
With the cost of Medicare - yes, younger bees, you have to pay for it - and supplemental insurance, I will certainly be working parttime through my 70s.
For the youngsters that might read this, Medicare does not cover eyes, teeth, or hearing. Yes, the good ole USA will keep us seniors alive, but we won't be able to see, hear, or eat.
I just paid $800 for new glasses. My prescription is crazy expensive. My last pair. I'll never again be able to afford new glasses.
I just received a $2,000 estimate for dental work. Medicare and my supplement won't cover it. Right now, I'm still working and trying to save for the procedure. If I were already retired, I'd never be able to pay for it. That's why so many old people have dentures - it's cheaper to have all your teeth pulled and replaced with fake ones than to have just one tooth repaired and saved. And, some can't even afford that. Toothless old Americans - ain't we proud!