Oh, how I envy you, Kat of Magik! To be able to rest in the soul of winter — even a Florida version of winter — would be so delicious. Unfortunately, my bookkeeping profession gears up this time of year. Well, that statement made me giggle. For the last few years, the work stays geared up most of the year! But, now is the rush for tax planning in the current year before it ends. CPAs wanting financials, cash plans to make, year-end bonuses to pay, planning to be done for 2020.
Then, comes January when I am a slave to the Internal Revenue Services’ tax demands, seven-days-a-week. There is no rest, not even normal rest. My mind has to be thinking about the next task and the one after that to meet the arbitrary and unbendable deadlines forced upon me by the IRS.
By the time February rolls around, I am behind in all the other tasks pushed aside for the IRS deadlines. Again, seven-days-a-week to catch up on those.
Yeah, I have no idea what a winter rest is like . . . But, I enjoyed reading about yours.