Rushing Through Life

A poem for Hapsari Listya



Photo by Karen Lau on Unsplash

Rushing through life
when the years were young,
I saw blurs, not people.

Rushing through life
when time was new,
I counted minutes lost.

Rushing through life
when the bills mounted,
I juggled pennies and dollars.

Rushing through life
when happiness was elusive,
I lost track of me.

Having breathing space
when years past are many,
I found me in my passion.

Having precious time
that I now appreciate,
I treasure every moment.

Having what I didn’t,
I can exhale and see you,
as the person you are.

Why couldn’t this
have happened earlier,
when life was fresh?

Why didn’t I know then
what I know now,
as my years are dwindling?

Take a listen, young ones,
don’t wait until you’re old
to learn how to live.

© Dennett 2021

Thank you, Hapsari Listya, for inspiring this poem with your piece You Don’t Need to Rush:



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