That was difficult to read, although very well written, and I’m sure much worse to write. You were a boy — even in your 20s — a boy not ready to deal with the harshest parts of life.
I remember once working with a woman who was in her early 30s; I was in my mid-30s. Someone in her family passed — I believe it was her father-in-law and she was understandably distraught. What shocked me is that she said that was the first person she knew to die. She was nearly 30-years-old and had never experienced death. I, on the other hand, counted 22 funerals of relatives and close friends I’d attended. It amazed me that someone could live more than 30 years before experiencing even one death.
I hope you are finally coming to terms with your grief, Jack, and are finding better ways to handle the pain. Writing is one of the best.