The people don't treat me unkindly - it's just I am on the outside looking in when it comes to celebrations and meals. So much of our socializing is food-oriented. In fact, everyone is quite kind and sympathetic. But, I don't want sympathy - I want good food!
Well, you are sure right about the keeping thin part! I've lost 32 lbs in less than a year. I wouldn't have minded losing maybe 20 lbs but not this way! I am now bordering on too thin for my age and height. Last time I was this size, I was 35 and that was a long time ago!
Wine is problematic. My food allergies revived a long-dormant condition - IBS. Between the foods that I'm allergic to and the foods that trigger IBS, there is little I can eat. Add that I'm a vegetarian and there's even less. I can have wine when my IBS is dormant but when it's active, wine is on the no-no list. It doesn't, however, trigger IBS, just aggravates the existing condition.