1 min readMay 8, 2020


Yes, California shocked me, too. Not surprised by other state protests, though. It’s outrageous how self-centered these protesters are being. They give no thought to the innocents they could infect.

I got in a back-and-forth with a Mediumite who commented on the same post I did. The piece was against the protesters and I gave a positive comment that attracted several trolls. I engaged with one. His argument was that many people are killed by car accidents but we don’t outlaw cars. I pointed out that we have plenty of laws about driving and require classes, tests, and licenses. You can’t drive 100 mph simply because you believe it is your personal right and no one can control what you do to your body. I don’t see why that can’t understand the correlation. And, the virus regulations are not forever like traffic law are!




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.