You always give us something to think about, Remington. I totally agree that we raise our collective voices in support when the underdog looks more like us than last year's underdog that looked like someone else. That doesn't lessen the outrage of an invasion, doesn't lessen the horror of what's happening, it simply points out what we gloss over - we are tribal people drawn to those we think are more like us. We have no problems invading countries of brown people (yes, the U.S. did that many times). We simply call it something else like fighting terrorism even if the country we invaded (Iraq) wasn't responsible for the terrorism on our soil.
I have a theory, totally unsubstantiated, but would love to throw it out here for your opinion, Remington. I believe this invasion was discussed many times by Putin and Trump. I believe Trump offered support because he and many of his billionaire friends would benefit, or think they would benefit, from Russia's control of a fuel-rich country like Ukraine. I believe those shadow deals were why Putin tried to get Trump reelected. When Putin was unable to keep his puppet in power, he weighed his options for a year and invaded anyway, probably with lots of support of the dethroned Trump and his billionaire buddies. This invasion is an act of treason against the United States by Americans supporting Putin.