Your garden is very impressive, Penny - those tomatoes are on the verge of lushousness. Looks like a bumper crop. And, what better conversation to have than with a Starling - they make more sense than most people I know!
Religious fanaticism has been on the rise for many years here. And, unfortunately, I work with a couple of people who are part of the movement. Interestingly, religious participation is declining in America, but the conservative religious right is so strong they can control the lives of us who have nothing to do with their narrow-minded beliefs. I am still reeling from what's happening here. The 4th of July definitely was not a day of celebration for me. It's ironic to note that one of the reasons America came into being was for the right of religious freedom, which includes the right from religion. Unfortunately, most of our politicians and Supreme Court justices have forgotten that bit of history.